Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
Institute of Infection, Veterinary, and Ecological Sciences
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZB
+44 (0)151 795 4469
email: Mark Viney
MRC UKRI-Southeast Asia collaboration on infectious diseases, 4.2025 36 months, £1,033,460 Determining the role of mass drug administration in the emergence of anthelminthic resistance of soil-transmitted helminths in Southeast Asia
Investigators: M.E. Viney, S. Doyle (UK); K. Luchavez, J.H. Acūna-Lariosa (Philippines); A. Rajamankam, H.M. Al-Mekhlafi (Malaysia); E.H. Murhandarwati, E.B. Hartadi (Indonesia)
Wellcome Trust Discovery Award, 1.2024 96 months, £3,019,087 An epigenetic switch: how to make a parasite
Investigators: M.E. Viney, P. Sarkies (Oxford)
BBSRC Pioneer, 1.2024 18 months, £165,000 Do gut immune responses drive evolution of the gut microbiome?
Investigators: M.E. Viney, J. Hurst, S. Paterson
BBSRC, 7.2023, £1.2M NovaSeqX Plus: short-read sequencing at the Centre for Genomic Research
Investigators: S. Paterson, A. Darby, S. Zytynska, E. Emmott, G. Oikonomou, P. Walley, M. Viney, R. Goodacre, A. Lucaci (Liverpool)
BBSRC, 5.2023 36 months, £600,000 (Liverpool) & £250,000 (Bath) The structure and function of nematode pathogenicity islands.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, A. Betancourt, D. Rigden (Liverpool), V. Hunt (Bath)
NERC (Exploring the Frontiers), 4.2023 12 months, £36,500 (Liverpool) & £43,500 (UCL) Using immune cell repertoires to identify pathogen threats.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, B Chain (UCL)
NERC, 4.2020 12 months, £199,883 The exposure of urban rodents to the human COVID-19 virus and the potential for viral recombination.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, W.A. Paxton, G. Pollakis, S. Paterson (Liverpool)
Leverhulme Trust, 10.2014 7 months, £27,000 International Academic Fellowship.
NERC, 2.2012 - 8.2016, £556,000 (Bristol) and £100,000 (London & Liverpool) The determinants of immune function in a wild mammal.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, M.J.O. Pocock (Bristol), E.M. Riley, J. Hafalla (London), S. Paterson (Liverpool)
Wellcome Trust, 10.2011 36 months, £272,000 The molecular basis of parasitism in the nematode Strongyloides ratti.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, J. Wastling (Liverpool), M. Berriman (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute)
NERC, 2.2009 36 months, £483,000 The genetic control and the phenotypic response of major life-history traits
of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans under environmental stress.
Investigators: M.E. Viney & Guy Lloyd-Jones (Bristol)
NERC, 2.2010 18 months, £40,000 The genetic basis of host resistance / susceptibility to parasite infection in a wild vertebrate population: a pilot study.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, R.C. Tinsley (Bristol), B. Mable (Glasgow)
MRC, 4.2010 10 months, £47,000 Why is infection unequal? : An inter-disciplinary approach. (MRC ESEI Programme Catalyst Grant)
Investigators: M.E. Viney & six others
The Leverhulme Trust, 10.2008 18 months, £55,518 The determinants of immune function in wild mammals.
Investigators: M.E. Viney, M.J.O. Pocock (Bristol) & E.M. Riley (London)
Pet Plan, 1.2008 24 months, £125,861 Molecular and immunological evaluation of small heartworm infection (Angiostrongylus vasorum) in dogs.
Investigators: S. Shaw, E. Morgan, R. Jefferies (all Bristol) & M.E. Viney
Lady Emily Smyth Agricultural Research Station, 2008 9 months, £21,866 The genetics of Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to nematode parasitism.
Investigators: M.E. Viney & C. Grierson (Bristol)
Wellcome Trust, 10.2006 18 months, £111,394 The growth of rat intestinal tissue-equivalent.
Sole investigator. Collaborator: S. MacNeil, Sheffield.
NERC, 10.2006 36 months, £407,097 Roles of hypothermia in response to environmental hypoxia: Behavioural and thermal modulation of the genetic and proteomic responses to low oxygen.
Investigator: S. Morris (Bristol). Co-investigator M.E. Viney (and then led following S. Morris’s death August 2009)
BBSRC, 1.2006 36 months, £244,956 Parasite persistence and local adaptation: selection in a limiting environment.
Principal Investigator: R.C. Tinsley (Bristol). Co-investigator M.E. Viney
Research into Ageing, 2.2006 12 months, £49,038 The control of lifespan in the nematode Strongyloides ratti.
Investigators: M.E. Viney & D. Gems, UCL, London.
NERC Post Genomics thematic programme, 1.2006 36 months, £1,158,000 A lifetime of attrition: post-genomic analyses of ecological and evolutionary processes in nematode-vertebrate systems.
Investigators: S. Paterson, (Liverpool) & 6 co-investigators (Aberdeen, Bristol (Viney), Edinburgh, Lancaster, Sheffield)
Wellcome Trust, 3.2004 36 months, £350,848 Immuno-epidemiology of nematode infections: the causes and consequences
of density-dependent interactions.
Investigators: M.E. Viney & S. Paterson, University of Liverpool
Named collaborators: R. Norman, Department of Computing, Science & Mathematics,
University of Stirling; M. Bailey, School of Veterinary Science, University
of Bristol; Judith Allen, Division of Biological Sciences, University of
NERC Environmental Genomics thematic programme, 1.2003 36 months, £274,000 The genetic control of phenotypic plasticity in the life-cycle of the
free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Sole investigator. Named collaborators: M.P. Gardner & K.J. Edwards, School of Biological
Sciences, University of Bristol; P.D. Keightley, Division of Biological Sciences,
University of Edinburgh & P.E. Kuwabara, The Sanger Centre
BBSRC Experimental Research on Ageing thematic programme, 3.2002 30 months, £176,644 Ageing in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti.
Investigators: M.E. Viney & D.H. Gems, Department of Biology, University
College London
Wellcome Trust (Biomedical Research Collaboration Grant), 24 months, £6,850 The development of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides stercoralis & human
immune function in Uganda
Investigators: M.E. Viney & J. Whitworth, MRC Programme on AIDS, Uganda.
MRC Career Establishment Grant, 11.2000 60 months, £581,484 The effects of host immune responses on a parasitic nematode.
Sole investigator. Named collaborators: J. McCarter, Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University,
St. Louis, USA & K.J. Edwards, School of Biological Sciences, University
of Bristol.
Wellcome Trust, Sir Henry Wellcome Commemorative Awards
for Innovative Research, Follow-on award, 1.2002 24 months, £149,000 The genetic basis of parasitism.
Sole investigator. Named collaborators: W.N. Grant, AgResearch Ltd., New Zealand & D. Clark,
University of Bath
Leverhulme Trust, 8.2000 6 months, £14,445 Phenotypic plasticity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. (Pilot
Wellcome Trust, Sir Henry Wellcome Commemorative Awards for Innovative Research.
8.1999 18 months, £80,402 The genetic basis of parasitism.
Named collaborator: W.N. Grant, AgResearch Ltd., New Zealand
Leverhulme Trust, 1.1999 6 months, £14,500 The genetics of phenotypic plasticity in Caenorhabditis
elegans. (Pilot project)
NERC, 2.1998 36 months, £248,970 The role of parasite genetic diversity in host-parasite ecology.
University of Edinburgh - Principal investigator, with R.M. Maizels as qualifying
NERC grading of grant output (July, 2002): Scientific merit: Excellent; Management:
BBSRC, 1.1997 36 months, £190,000 Testing mutational explanations of sexual reproduction.
Investigators: A.F. Read, N.H. Barton & M.E. Viney
The Royal Society from 7.1996, £9,500 Nematode sex determination.
The Leverhulme Trust, 4.1996 18 months, £ 40,000 Is sexual reproduction by parasitic nematodes an immune evasion strategy?
Investigators: A.F. Read & M.E. Viney
MRC Career Development Award, 12.1994 48 months, £ 240,000 Genetic events in the life-cycle of Strongyloides ratti.
The Leverhulme Trust, 10.1994 36 months support, £ 70,000 Population genetics of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti.
Investigators: D. Walliker & M.E. Viney
The Royal Society, 1990, £1,989
Study visit grant (Japan)
Joint International Awards
Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund, 4.2005 36 months, $661,932 The dauer-gene hypothesis for the origin of parasitism in nematodes.
Principal Investigator: W. Grant, AgResearch New Zealand. Co-investigators M.E. Viney & C. Shoemaker (Tufts, USA).
Complex Systems Science, CSIRO, Australia. 2004 24 months Dynamic consequences of species interactions in a parasitic nematode model.
Principal Investigator J. Lello, CSIRO. International collaborators M.E. Viney & A. Fenton (UK).
Other awards
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study), leader of Adaptive Plasticity working group. September 2011, 9 months.
Institute for Advanced Study Distinguished Fellowship, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. January 2008, 2 months.
Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarship for Alison Shorto. August 2002, 2 months.
Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarship for David Mallet. August 2001, 1 month.
Leverhulme Trust Linked Fellowships / University of Bristol 2000. Three month
visiting fellowship for Dr W.N. Grant, School of Biological Sciences, Flinders'
University of South Australia.