Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
Institute of Infection, Veterinary, and Ecological Sciences
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZB
+44 (0)151 795 4469
email: Mark Viney
Afshan, K., Liu, L. & Viney, M. (2024) The population genetics of Strongyloides papillosus in Pakistani goats revealed by whole genome sequencing. Parasites & Vectors 17, 527.
Hunter-Barnett, S. & Viney, M. (2024) Gut protozoa of wild rodents - a meta-analysis. Parasitology 1–12, 10.1017/S0031182024000556.
Viney, M. & Cheynel, L. (2023) Gut immune responses and evolution of the gut microbiome – a hypothesis. Discovery Immunology, 2, kyad025.
Al-Jawabreh, R., Anderson, R.M., Atkinson, L., Bickford-Smith, J., Bradbury, R., Breloer, M., Bryant, A., Buonfrate, D., Cadd, L., Crooks, B., Deiana, M., Grant, W., Hallem, E., Hedtke, S.M., Hunt, H., Khieu, V., Kikuchi, T., Kounosu, A., Lastik, D., van Lieshout, L., Liu, Y., McSorley, H.J., McVeigh, P., Mousley, A., Murcott, B., Nevin, W.D., Nosková, E., Pomari, E., Reynolds, K., Ross, K., Streit, A., Suleiman, M., Tiberti, N. & Viney, M. (2023) Strongyloides questions – a research agenda for the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379, 20230004.
Cole, R., Holroyd, N., Tracey, A., Berriman M. & Viney, M. (2023) The parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti exists predominantly as populations of long-lived asexual lineages. Nature Communications,14, 6427.
Fisher, A.M., Airey, G., Liu, Y., Gemmell, M., Thomas, J., Bentley, E.G., Whitehead, M.A., Paxton, W.A., Pollakis, G., Paterson, S., Viney, M. (2023) The ecology of viruses in urban rodents with a focus on SARS-CoV-2. Emerging Microbes & Infection, 12, 2217940.
Cheynel, L., Lazarou, L., Riley, E.M. & Viney, M. (2023) The genetics of immune and infection phenotypes in wild mice, Mus musculus domesticus. Molecular Ecology, 32, 4242 - 4258.
Suleiman, M., Kounosu, A., Murcott, B., Dayi, M., Pawluk, R. Yoshida, A., Viney, M., Kikuchi, T. & Hunt, V.L. (2022) piRNA-like small RNAs target transposable elements in a Clade IV parasitic nematode. Scientific Reports, 12, 10156.
Viney, M. & Morris R. (2022) Approaches to studying the developmental switch of Strongyloides - moving beyond the dauer hypothesis. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 249, 111477.
Fonseca dos Reis, E., Viney, M. & Masuda, N. (2021) Network analysis of the immune state of mice. Scientific Reports, 11, 4306.
Kranse, O., Beasley, H., Adams, S., Pires-daSilva, A., Bell, C., Lilley, C., Peter Urwin, P., Bird, D.M., Miska, E., Smant, G., Gheysen, G., Jones, J., Viney, M., Abad, P., Maier, T., Baum, T., Siddique, S., Williamson, V., Alper Akay, A., & Eves-van den Akker, S. (2021) Towards genetic modification of plant-parasitic nematodes: delivery of macromolecules to adults and expression of exogenous mRNA in second stage juveniles. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, jkaa058.
Gharpure, R., Mor, S., Viney, M., Hodobo, T., Lello, J., Siwila, J., Dube, K., Robertson, R.C., Mutasa, K., Berger, C., Hirai, M., Brown, T., Ntozini, R., Evans, C., Hoto, P., Smith, L.E., Tavengwa, N.V., Joyeux, M., Humphrey, J.H., Berendes, D. & Prendergast, A.J. (2020) A One Health Approach to Child Stunting: Evidence and Research Agenda. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene;
Prendergast, A.J., Gharpure, R., Mor, S., Viney, M., Dube, K., Lello, J., Berger, C., Siwila, J., Joyeux, M., Hodobo, M., Hurt, L., Brown, T., Hoto, P., Tavengwa, N., Mutasa, K., Craddock S., Chasekwa, B., Robertson, R.C., Evans, C., Chidhanguro, D., Mutasa, B., Majo, F., Smith, L., Hirai, M., Ntozini, R., Humphrey, J.H. & Berendes, D. (2019) Putting the "A" into WaSH: a call for integrated management of Water, Animals, Sanitation and Hygiene. Lancet Planetary Health, 3, e336.
Cole, R. & Viney, M.E. (2018) The population genetics of parasitic nematodes of wild animals. Parasites and Vectors, 11, 590.
Viney, M.E. (2018) The gut microbiota of wild rodents – challenges and opportunities. Laboratory Animals,53, 252-258.
Abolins, S., Lazarou, L., Weldon, L., Hughes, L., King, E.C., Drescher, P., Pocock, M.J.O., Hafalla, J.C.R., Riley, E.M. & Viney, M.E. (2018) The ecology of immune state in a wild mammal, Mus musculus domesticus. PLoS Biology,16, e2003538.
Lello J., McClure S.J., Tyrrell K., & Viney, M.E. (2018) Predicting the effects of parasite co-infection across species boundaries. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 285, 20172610.
Viney, M.E. & Harvey, S. (2017) Reimagining pheromone signalling in the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics, 13, e1007046.
Viney, M.E. & Riley, E.M. (2017) The immunology of wild rodents : current status and future prospects. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 1481.
Wharam, B., Weldon, L., & Viney, M.E. (2017) Pheromone modulates two phenotypically plastic traits – adult reproduction and larval diapause – in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17, 197.
Viney, M.E. (2017) The genomic basis of nematode parasitism. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2017 elx010. doi: 10.1093/bfgp/elx010
Abolins S., King, E., Lazarou, L., Weldon, L., Hughes, L., Drescher P., Raynes, J., Hafalla, J., Viney, M.E. & Riley, E.M. (2017) The comparative immunology of wild and laboratory mice Mus musculus domesticus.Nature Communications, 8, 14811.
Viney, M.E. (2017) How can we understand the genomic basis of nematode parasitism? Trends in Parasitology, 33, 444-452.
McCallum, H., Fenton, A., Hudson, P.J., Lee, B., Levick, B., Norman, R., Perkins, S.E., Viney, M.E., Wilson, A.J. & Lello, J. (2017) Breaking beta: deconstructing the parasite transmission function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, 372, 20160084.
Viney, M.E. & Kikuchi, T. (2017) Strongyloides ratti and S. venezuelensis – rodent models of Strongyloides infection. Parasitology, 144, 285-294.
Hunt V.L., Tsai, I.J., Selkirk, M.E. & Viney, M.E. (2017) The genome of Strongyloides spp. gives insights into protein families with a putative role in nematode parasitism. Parasitology, 144, 343-358.
Hunt V.L., Asai I.J., Coghlan A., Reid A.J., Holroyd N., Foth B.J., Tracey A., Cotton J.A., Stanley E.J., Beasley H., Bennett H., Brooks K., Harsha B., Kajitani R., Kulkarni A., Harbecke D., Nagayasu E., Nichol S., Ogura Y., Quail M.A., Randle N., Xia D., Brattig N.W., Soblik H., Ribeiro D.M., Sanchez-Flores A., Hayashi T., Itoh T., Denver D.R., Grant W.N, Stoltzfus J.D., Lok J.B., Murayama H., Wastling J., Streit A., Kikuchi T., Viney, M.E. & Berriman M. (2016) The genomic basis of parasitism in the Strongyloides clade of nematodes. Nature Genetics, 48, 299-307.
Mable, B.K., Kilbride, E., Viney, M.E. & Tinsley, R.C. (2015) Copy number variation and genetic diversity of MHC Class IIb alleles in an alien population of Xenopus laevis. Immunogenetics, 67, 591-603.
Tinsley, R.C., Stott, L.C., Viney, M.E., Mable, B.K. & Tinsley, M.C. (2015) Extinction of an introduced warm climate alien species, Xenopus laevis, by extreme weather events. Biological Invasions,17, 3183-3195.
Weldon, L., Abolins, S., Lenzi, L., Bourne, C., Riley, E.M. & Viney, M.E. (2015) The gut microbiota of wild mice. PLoS One, 10, e0134643.
Diaz, S.A. & Viney, M.E. (2015) The evolution of plasticity of dauer larva developmental arrest in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Ecology and Evolution, 5, 1343-1353.
Viney, M.E., Lazarou, L. & Abolins, S.R. (2015) The laboratory mouse and wild immunology. Parasite Immunology, 37, 267-273.
Viney, M.E. (2014) The failure of genomics in biology. Trends in Parasitology, 30, 319-321.
Diaz, S.A. & Viney, M.E. (2014) Genotypic-specific variance in Caenorhabditis elegans lifetime fecundity. Ecology and Evolution, 4, 2058-2069.
Diaz, S.A. Lloyd-Jones, G. Spinner, W. Wharam, B. & Viney, M.E. (2014) Diverse and potentially manipulative signalling with ascarosides in the model nematode C. elegans. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14, 46.
Viney, M.E. & Reece, S.E. (2013) Adaptive noise. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 280, 20131104.
Viney, M.E. & Graham, A.L. (2013) Patterns and processes in parasite co-infection in animals and humans. Advances in Parasitology, 82, 321-369.
Ellis, R.J., Bruce, K.D., Jenkins, C., Stothard, R., Ajarova, L., Mugisha, L. & Viney, M.E. (2013). Comparison of the distal gut microbiota from people and animals in Africa. PLoS One, 8, e54783.
Lello, J., Knopp, S., Mohammed, K.A., Khamis, I.S., Utzinger J. & Viney, M.E. (2013) The relative contribution of co-infection to focal infection risk in children. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 280, 20122813.
Tinsley, R.C., Stott, L., York, J., Everard, A., Chapple, S, Jackson, J., Viney, M.E. & Tinsley, M. (2012) Acquired immunity protects against helminth infection in a natural host population: long-term field and laboratory evidence. International Journal for Parasitology, 42, 931-938.
Viney, M.E. & Diaz, A. (2012) Phenotypic plasticity in nematodes : evolutionary and ecological significance. Worm, 1, 98-106.
Spinner, W.G., Thompson, F.J., Emery, D.C. & Viney, M.E. (2012) Characterisation of genes with a putative key role in the parasitic lifestyle of the nematode Strongyloides ratti. Parasitology, 139, 1317-1328.
Viney, M.E. & Cable, J. (2011) Macroparasite life-histories. Current Biology, 21, R767-R774.
Li, X,, Shao, H., Junio, A., Nolan, T.J., Massey, H.C., Pearce, E.A., Viney, M.E. & Lok, J.B. (2011) Transgenesis in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 179, 114-119.
Abolins, S.R., Pocock, M.J.O., Hafalla, J.C.R., Riley, E.M. & Viney, M.E. (2011) Measures of immune function of wild mice, Mus musculus. Molecular Ecology, 20, 881-892.
Gorr, T.A., Wichmann, D., Hu, J., Hermes-Lima M., Welker, A.F., Terwilliger, N., Wren, J.F. Viney, M.E., Morris, S., Nilsson, G.E., Deten, A. & Soliz, J. (2010) Hypoxia tolerance in animals: Biology and application. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 83, 733-752.
O'Meara, H., Barber, R., Mello, L.V., Sangaralingam, A., Viney, M.E. & Paterson, S. (2010) Response of the Strongyloides ratti transcriptome to host immunological environment. International Journal for Parasitology, 40, 1609-1617.
Jeffries, R., Shaw, S.E., Willesen, J.,Viney, M.E. & Morgan, E.R. (2010) Elucidating the spread of the emerging canid nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum between Palaearctic and Nearctic ecozones. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10, 561-568.
Fenton, A., Viney, M.E. & Lello, J. (2010) Detecting interspecific macroparasite interactions from ecological data: patterns and process. Ecology Letters13, 606-615.
Nemetschke L., Eberhardt A.G., Viney, M.E. & Streit, S. (2010) A genetic map of the animal-parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology169, 124-127.
Harvey, S.C. Barker, G.L.A., Shorto, A. & Viney, M.E. (2009) Natural variation in gene expression in the early development of dauer larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans. BMC Genomics, 10, 325
Viney, M.E., Bullock, A.J., Day, M.J. & MacNeil, S.J. (2009) The co-culture of intestinal epithelial and stromal cells in 3D collagen-based environments. Regenerative Medicine, 4, 397-406.
Viney, M.E. (2009) How did parasitic worms evolve? BioEssays, 31, 496-499.
Bleay, C., Wilkes, C.P., Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (2009) The effect of infection history on the fitness of the gastrointestinal nematode Strongyloides ratti. Parasitology, 136, 567-577.
Thompson, F.J., Barker, G.L.A., Nolan, T., Gems, D. & Viney, M.E. (2009) Transcript profiles of long- and short-lived adults implicate protein synthesis in evolved differences in ageing in the nematode Strongyloides ratti. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 130, 167-172.
Jefferies,. R., Shaw, S.E., Viney, M.E. & Morgan, E.R. (2009) Angiostrongylus vasorum from South America and Europe represent distinct lineages. Parasitology, 136, 107-115.
Evans, H., Mello, L.V., Fang, Y., Wit, E., Thompson, F.J., Viney, M.E. & Paterson, S. (2008) Microarray analysis of gender- and parasite-specific gene transcription in Strongyloides ratti. International Journal for Parasitology, 38, 1329-1341.
Paterson, S., Wilkes, C.P., Bleay, C. & Viney, M.E. (2008) Immunological responses elicited by different infection regimes with Strongyloides ratti. PLoS One, 3, e2509.
Thompson, F.J., Barker, G.L.A., Hughes, L., & Viney, M.E. (2008) Genes important in the parasitic life of the nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 158, 112-119.
Viney, M.E. & Thompson, F.J. (2008) Two hypotheses to explain why RNA interference does not work in animal parasitic nematodes. International Journal for Parasitology, 38, 43-47.
Harvey, S.C., Shorto, A. & Viney, M.E. (2008) Quantitative genetic analysis of life-history traits of Caenorhabditis elegans in stressful environments. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8, 15.
Bleay, C., Wilkes C.P., Paterson S. & Viney, M.E. (2007) Density-dependent immune responses against the gastrointestinal nematode Strongyloides ratti. International Journal for Parasitology, 37, 1501-1509.
Wilkes, C.P., Bleay, C., Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (2007) The immune response during a Strongyloides ratti infection of rats. Parasite Immunology, 29, 339-346.
Harvey, S.C. & Viney, M.E. (2007) Thermal variation reveals natural variation between isolates of Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 308B, 409-416.
Thompson, F.J., Barker, G.L.A., Hughes, L., Wilkes, C.P., Coghill J. & Viney, M.E. (2006) A microarray analysis of gene expression in the free-living stages of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. BMC Genomics, 7, 157-177.
Gardner, M.P., Gems, D. & Viney, M.E. (2006) Extraordinary plasticity in aging in Strongyloides ratti implies a gene-regulatory mechanism of lifespan evolution. Aging Cell, 5, 315-323.
Viney, M.E., Steer, M.D. & Wilkes, C.P. (2006) The reversibility of constraints on size and fecundity in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Parasitology, 133, 477-483.
Viney, M.E. (2006) The biology and genomics of Strongyloides. Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 195, 49-54.
Viney, M.E., Thompson, F.J. & Crook. M. (2005) TGF-β and the evolution of nematode parasitism. International Journal for Parasitology, 35, 1473-1475.
Viney, M.E., Riley, E.M. & Buchanan, K.L. (2005) Optimal immune responses: immunocompetence revisited. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 20, 665-669.
Crook, M. & Viney, M.E. (2005) The effect of non-immune stresses on the development of Strongyloides ratti. Parasitology, 131, 383-392.
Thompson, F.J., Mitreva, M., Barker, G.L.A, Martin, J., Waterston, R.H., McCarter, J.P. Viney, M.E. (2005) An expressed sequence tag analysis of the life-cycle of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular
and Biochemical Parasitology, 142, 32-46.
Crook, M., Thompson, F.J., Grant, W.N. & Viney M.E. (2005) daf-7 and the development of Strongyloides ratti and Parastrongyloides
trichosuri. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 139, 213-223.
Viney, M.E., Brown, M., Omoding, N.E., Bailey, J.W., Gardner, M.P., Roberts, E., Morgan, D., Elliott, A.M. & Whitworth, J.A.G. (2004) Why does HIV infection not lead to disseminated Strongyloidiasis? Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 190, 2175-2180.
Gardner, M.P., Gems, D. & Viney, M.E. (2004) Aging in a very short-lived nematode. Experimental Gerontology, 39, 1267-1276.
Wilkes, C.P. & Viney, M.E. (2004) An attempt to artificially select Strongyloides
ratti for resistance to the host immune response. Parasite Immunology, 26, 63-66.
Fenton, A., Paterson, S., Viney, M.E., & Gardner, M.P. (2004) Determining the optimal developmental route of Strongyloides ratti: an evolutionarily stable strategy approach. Evolution, 58, 989-1000.
Wilkes, C.P., Thompson, F.J., Gardner, M.P., Paterson, S. & Viney,
M.E. (2004) The effect of the host immune response on the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Parasitology, 128, 661-669.
Viney, M.E. & Franks, N.R. (2004) Is dauer pheromone of Caenorhabditis
elegans really a pheromone? Naturwissenschaften, 91, 123-124.
Viney, M.E., Gardner, M.P. & Jackson, J.A. (2003) Variation in Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larva formation. Development,
Growth and Differentiation, 45, 389-396.
Guinnee, M.A., Gemmill, A.W., Chan, B.H.K., Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (2003) Host immune status affects maturation time in two nematode species – but not as predicted by a simple life history model. Parasitology, 127, 507-512.
Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (2003) Functional consequences of genetic diversity in Strongyloides ratti infections. Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London Series B, 270, 1023-1032.
Viney, M.E., Green, L.D., Brookes, J.A. & Grant, W.N. (2002) Chemical mutagenesis of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti to isolate Avermectin resistant mutants. International Journal for Parasitology,
32, 1677-1682.
Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (2002) Host immune responses are necessary for density-dependence in nematode infections. Parasitology,125, 283-292.
Viney, M.E. (2002) How do host immune responses affect nematode infections? Trends in Parasitology, 18, 63-66.
Dorris, M., Viney, M.E. & Blaxter, M.L. (2002) Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Strongyloides and related nematodes. International
Journal for Parasitology, 32, 1507-1517.
Grant, W.N. & Viney, M.E. (2001) Post genomic nematode parasitology . International Journal for Parasitology, 31, 879-888.
Harvey, S.C. & Viney, M.E. (2001) Sex determination in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Genetics, 158, 1527-1533.
West, S.A., Gemmill, A.W., Graham, A., Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (2001) Immune stress and facultative sex in a parasitic nematode. Journal
of Evolutionary Biology, 14, 333-337.
Dichtel, M-L., Louvet-Vallee, S., Viney, M.E., Felix, M-A. & Sternberg, P.W. (2001) Control of vulval cell division number in the nematode Oscheius
/ Dolichorhabditis sp. CEW1. Genetics, 157, 183-197.
Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (2000) The interface between epidemiology and population genetics. Parasitology Today, 16, 528-532.
Harvey, S.C., Gemmill, A.W., Read, A.F. & Viney, M.E. (2000) The control of morph development in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides
ratti. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 267, 2057-2063.
Paterson, S., Fisher, M.C. & Viney, M.E. (2000) Inferring infection processes of a parasitic nematode using population genetics. Parasitology,120, 185-194.
Gemmill, A.W., Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (2000) The evolutionary ecology of host-specificity: experimental studies with Strongyloides ratti.
Parasitology, 120, 429-437.
Harvey, S.C., Paterson, S. & Viney, M.E. (1999) Heterogeneity in the distribution of Strongyloides ratti infective stages among the faecal pellets of rats. Parasitology, 119, 227-235.
Viney, M.E. (1999) Exploiting the life-cycle of Strongyloides
ratti. Parasitology Today, 15, 231-235.
Viney, M.E. (1998) Nematode population genetics. Journal
of Helminthology, 72, 281-283.
Fisher, M.C. & Viney, M.E. (1998) The population genetic structure of the facultatively sexual parasitic nematode Strongyloides
ratti in wild rats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series
B, 265, 703-709.
Gemmill, A.W., Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (1997) Host immune status determines sexuality in a parasitic nematode. Evolution, 51, 393-401.
Fisher, M.C. & Viney, M.E. (1996) Microsatellites of the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular and Biochemical
Parasitology, 80, 221-224.
Viney, M.E. (1996) Developmental switching in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Proceedings of the Royal Society
of London Series B, 263, 201-208.
Viney, M.E. (1994) A genetic analysis of reproduction in Strongyloides
ratti. Parasitology, 109, 511-515.
Viney, M.E., Matthews, B.E. & Walliker, D. (1993) Mating in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti: Proof of genetic exchange. Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London Series B, 254, 213-219.
Ashford, R.W., Barnish, G. & Viney, M.E. (1992) Strongyloides
fuelleborni kellyi: Infection and Disease in Papua New Guinea. Parasitology
Today, 8, 314-318.
Viney, M.E., Matthews, B.E. & Walliker, D. (1992) On the biological and biochemical nature of cloned populations of Strongyloides
ratti. Journal of Helminthology, 66, 45-52.
Viney, M.E., Barnish, G. & Ashford, R.W. (1991) A taxonomic study of Strongyloides Grassi, 1879 (Nematoda) with special reference to Strongyloides fuelleborni von Linstow, 1905 in man in Papua New Guinea and the description of a new subspecies. Systematic Parasitology, 18, 95-109.
Viney, M.E. & Ashford, R.W. (1990) The use of isoenzyme electrophoresis in the taxonomy of Strongyloides. Annals of Tropical
Medicine & Parasitology, 84, 35-47.
Viney, M.E. & Ashford, R.W. (1990) The ultrastructure of the peri-vulval region of Strongyloides cebus. Journal of Helminthology, 64, 23-28.
Hollister, W.S., Canning, E.U. & Viney, M.E. (1989) Prevalence of antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in stray dogs as determined by an ELISA. Veterinary Record, 124, 332-336.
Invited book chapters
Viney, M.E. & Riley, E.M. (2014) From immunology to eco-immunology: more than a new name, pp1-19. In: Eco-immunology: evolutive aspects and future perspectives (eds D. Malagoli and E. Ottaviani). Springer, UK.
Viney, M.E. (2013) Life history plasticity and responses to host defence, 15-29. In: Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology 2nd edition (eds. M.W. Kennedy and W. Harnett). CABI Publishing.
Grant, W. & Viney, M.E. (2011). The dauer phenomenon, pp 99-125. In: Molecular and Physiological Basis of Nematode Survival (eds R.N. Perry and D.A. Wharton). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
Viney, M.E. & Lok, J.B. (2007) Strongyloides spp. WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research Community, WormBook, doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.7.1,
Gardner, M.P.,Viney, M.E. & Gems, D. (2006) Strongyloides ratti: A nematode with extraordinary plasticity in aging, pp 229-239. In: Handbook of models for human aging (ed P. Michael Conn). Academic Press.
Viney, M.E. (2002) Environmental control of nematode life-cycles, pp 111-128. In: Behavioural Ecology of Parasites (eds E. Lewis, J.F. Campbell, M. Sukhdeo). CABI Publishing.
Viney, M.E. (2001) Diversity in populations of parasitic nematodes and its significance, pp 83-102. In: Parasitic nematodes: Molecular biology,
biochemistry and immunology (eds M.W. Kennedy and W. Harnett). CABI Publishing.
Viney, M.E. (2012) A self-reflecting scientist’s look at Science and at the Humanities (in Arabic). Kalamon ( (in press).
Viney, M.E. (2012) Mechanisms of life history evolution. The genetics and physiology of life history traits and trade-offs, edited by T. Flatt & A. Heyland (Book Review). Quarterly Review of Biology, 87, 255-256.
Viney, M.E. (2012) The evolutionary history of nematodes as revelaed in stone, amber and mummies (Book Review). Parasitology, 139, 137.
Booth, M., Graham, A & Viney, M.E. (2008) Parasite co-infections: challenges and solutions, (edited by M. Booth, A. Graham & M. Viney). Supplement to Parasitology, 135 (7).
Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (2003) Parasite variation: Immunological and ecological significance, (edited by M.E. Viney & A.F. Read). Supplement to Parasitology, 38 and Preface (38, S1-S2 )
Viney, M.E. (2002) Wolbachia and river blindness. Trends
in Parasitology, 18, 244.
Viney, M.E. (2002) Developing worms need the host immune response. Trends
in Parasitology, 18, 57.
Viney, M.E. (2002) A paradoxical protozoan and its virulence. Trends
in Parasitology, 18, 6.
Viney, M.E. & Read, A.F. (2002) So what if parasites vary? Trends
in Parasitology, 18, 2.
Viney, M.E. (in press) Book review. Journal of Fish Biology, 58, 1481-1482
Viney, M.E. (2001) Book review. Molecular Biotechnology, 17, 188.
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